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Scared. Really need some advice/insight


Jun 23, 2009
Since August, I have had these episodes where I get a sharp pain in my back. The pain is in my upper left side, lower then my shoulder but higher then the middle. The pain gets so intense that I eventually vomit and the pain goes away. Or so it used to. Now the pain last for up to four hours of vomiting, and when that goes away, I am left with a wretched stomach that burns for most of the day after.

The first time I got this pain I was at work and it was about 4am in the morning. I figured it was from the way I was sitting or answering the phones. I left work feeling very sore, and went straight home. I came inside, sat down, and the pain just got worse and worse. I went to the corner store to buy some advil and along the way I could feel my mouth starting to salivate the way it does when you're about to throw up. I tried my best, and kept it down long enough to get my advil and get home. I took a few and laid down on the couch until I fell asleep. When I woke up I no longer felt the pain.

A week later I got this pain at work after eating, and I started to feel sick to my stomach this time. I figured maybe it was just bad food or something. I went to the bathroom to relax for a minute because the pain was getting intense and my stomach was really upset. After looking at the toilet for like a few seconds, I start vomiting quite violently. Infact it breaks a bunch of blood vessels in my face and I look quite bruised, like I had been hit in the face. But after I threw up. I feel fine. Hell, I feel good to go. So at this point, I decide it's time to see a doctor.

I go to the doctor when I get off work, and explain to him the situation and the oddness of the vomiting making the pain go away. He seems to think that I have hurt a muscle in my back and gives me anti inflamitories, figuring the vomiting is just a reaction to the pain. He also makes me feel like I'm searching for pain pills, and not only puts me on the anti inflamitories, but puts me on ones that cost me 65 bucks for a fucking weeks supply, and tells me that if I want any further help that I have to be willing to make him my family doctor. What the shit.

So I take the meds, and for the 10 days, I dont have another episode. Actually, it's like another month before I have one. Same thing, pain in my back, vomiting, feels better, get on with my life.

I have notices that if I sleep on my left side, I tend to wake up with this pain, so I figured it could be the muscle after all. So typically, I don't sleep on that side and I have no pain. But as of recent, that's not the case, and it seems to happen two days in a row, or twice in a week. So far I think I have had about 10 of these episodes.

One day I wake up with a rather small pain opposed to the intense pain I get most of the time. I take some advil and go to work. At work it starts to get intense, so I excuse myself to the bathroom in fear of vomiting. Well I do vomit, quite a bit, breaking the blood vessels in my face yet again. This lasts a good 20 minutes, then I tell my boss I'm going to the doctor. I vomit on my way to the doctor, and then I vomit again while I'm in the office waiting to be seen. My face is so beaten looking. People start telling the reception they want me to see the doctor first, but ofcourse they didn't let that happen. I'm last to see the doctor, and when I finally get in the doctor is like " What the hell happened to you!? ". So I tell him my story, that the vomiting is lasting longer, the back pain is getting more intense. He say's he is worried that this could be my gull bladder, pancreas or kidneys. As they cause this type of pain and vomiting. So he gives me a quick physical, checks my stool for blood, and all seems fine. But this doesn't reassure either of us because it's obvious that something is wrong. He writes me a note to see someone at the hospital.

I go to the hospital and I'm shitting myself with worry at this point. I read his letter saying that it's possibly gull stones, pancreatic cancer, etc etc. This does not help. After waiting for about 5 hours, I'm finally seen by a nurse for blood work and a urine sample. After 2 more hours they tell me that there's no abnormalities in the results and that I need to come back the following day for a cat scan.

I come back for the cat scan, which lasts all of 12 minutes, and then they tell me I can't leave unless I need emergency surgery. So I wait in a small waiting room for close to 6 hours before they come in and tell me that everything looks fine, and there's no problem with my pancreas, kidneys or gull bladder. That it's possible that I had some sort of stones but maybe I passed them before the scan. I find this a little hard to believe because my friends who have had stones, they damn well know when they pass them, and I have not had any sort of pain like this while urinating.

Very frustrated and worried, I go home because the doctor says he has no idea. There's a million ideas running in my head, and the biggest one is how I'm going to have to live with these episodes.

After about 3 weeks, I have another episode. I wake up with it. Only this time I take advil right away, and try and fall back asleep, which I did. And the pain subsided, and no problems at all, no vomiting. Two days later, I wake up with the same again ( this morning ). So I take some advil and try and fall asleep again. I fall asleep a few times, but I keep waking up in worsening pain. Finally I start vomiting, but the pain will not subside this easily today. After a good 2 and a half hours of back and forth between nausea and sever pain I manage to stop vomiting, and can feel the pain start to subside.

I am worried like fucking hell. It's so random, sometimes a month, sometimes a day apart. I can't think of anything that links any of these episodes together. I'm not sure about how to schedule more tests for myself, as I am young, going to be 24 soon, and I havent really ever had a reason to be going to the doctor other then tonsil infections. I don't know what to do, or what it could be, and the doctors who have previously farted around and written it off have really lowered my faith in the medical system. I'm Canadian and seeing a doctor doesn't cost me anything, so I'm definitely willing to go back, I just don't know how I should go about doing this. I don't have a family doctor. Does anyone have experience like this, or some advice on how I could go about handling this?
Shit, man!! That sounds terrible!!

A few ideas come to mind...

See a professional massage therapist. See a holistic healer of some kind. Western doctors don't know shit about this stuff. I'm sorry the doctor wasn't very helpful. I find that they usually aren't.

For something so mysterious yet intense, I would even consider a spiritual/energetic cause. You might not believe in that kind of stuff, but if you run out of options, please consider it.